Joined workshop of DGKK and DEMBE in Bremen

by / on 20 May 2022
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Between the 16th and 18th of May 2022 the joined workshop of DGKK (35th edition) and DEMBE was held in Bremen. Participating were the PHD Students Kai Hanke (TU Ilmenau) and Oliver Maßmeyer (Philipps University Marburg), joined by Postdoc Andreas Beyer (Philipps University Marburg), presenting their H2Demo work. Andreas Beyer, as an invited speaker, presented their work on “Quantitative Characterization of Nanometer-Scaled Electric Fields via Momentum-Resolved STEM”, giving an insight in the nanoscale measurement of electric fields at interfaces. Kai Hanke contributed their collaboration with Fraunhofer ISE in “Reduction of crystal defects in GaP buffer layers grown on Si(100) by MOCVD” showing their latest success with the Aluminum nucleation paired with the reduction of process temperatures.